Welcome to my blog!


God is a diligent teacher.

7/12/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

If you're religious, you might've noticed that God gives you lessons consistently. You need to take heed and be a diligent student of his lessons. The truth of the world may be harsh but you need to accept reality and not stay in fantasy.

There are some issues that I've had in the past and a lot of pain inflicted on me. For my own good. I'm grateful for the lessons.

I have been going back to the gym but my pec got hurt. So I'm taking a break for now. Started another project that takes around ~4 hours of my day - daily videos. I'm on the 6th one now. The site still has issues with sorting people - but I am so close. Working on multiple projects allows me to become more productive, especially if it is "innate."

Consistent Diligence - by the Grace of God - A Guided Reflection

7/12/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Diligence. What seperates cream from crop. Something I've sought after for a long time. The ideal of it is great, watching motivational short videos or videos - they're all a distraction. No matter what you do, if you have faith, it all draws from there. Keep your head down and notice who you submit yourself to.

Your wife? Your boss? Friend? Parent? What are you submitting to? Videos? A product? Drugs? Pleasure? All these things are focuses of submission.

In turn, the people and the products that you may submit to - who do they submit to?

Slavery. Who are you a slave to? Something you put yourself under the influence of - submission. Ownership.

Are you proud of what you submit yourself to? Is it making you happy? Is it ok if it makes you happy? Are you worshipping happieness?

Something that's so illusive and temporary?

Oh wait - there's drugs. Other people. Must. Seek.


One day of happieness. Crash. An inkling of reflection befalls you - you ignore it. Too painful.

Second. Third. Fourth....Deathbed. It hits you.

None of it mattered.

The Laundry Problem + Blabbering

6/25/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Today, or well, yesterday, I came across a fault in my daily tasks. Laundry. Oh how warm and comfy and LONG YOU TAKE GOODNESS MAN. One wash, two dry. Or else they come out moist. This is a representative thing that can be applied to every daily task.

There's a stick in the road - do we wait for the stick to move or do we move around the stick? Well, obviously we move around it right? Fair? Fair. but other tasks pile up in the stack and they don't pop, so we've got an overflow.

Yeah. I think that's a good way to put it. To be honest there's been problems upon problems ever since I came back from a vacation. One thing can destroy a train of habit. The symphony is not ruined though. Interesting frame to apply to this situation, the problems and crashes are what make life EXCITING.

Negative nancies in shambles.

This is you nancy:

There's a reason why you're lonely nancy...even you nathan. Negative nathan. You too negative nasir. Negative natsuke. There's like three different naming groups on earth what? To be fair though, Biblical names and Arabic names can be counted as semitic and you just have vedic naming systems remaining. Which is indo-euro, who knows, who cares.

All I know is, you can barely be fluent in 3-4 connected languages; can't really phonetically connect words because you guys are literal with anything but what is necessary.

I'm blabbing because it is fun, I don't care about accuracy; I'M HAVING FUN. EVER HEARD OF THAT? Wanna be "accurate?"


Checkmate historians.

Cutting Bloat

6/20/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

I've realized recently, that I have a ton of bloat in my life. Between having buddies that are closer than most and multiple projects going on - I'm losing a lot of time. I need to cut out some things. I've decided for marketing, twitter is important. Though, it's a time sink. I need to make it easier for me to not use it as much.

So how do we do this?

I've decided to just reply to every post I see that comes up - that I follow. Regardless of it actually being good or not. Except when it doesn't deserve any attention at all like this:

Im really excited to build this and make it happen ! Drop your thoughts.


cc: @_buildspace @_nightsweekends pic.twitter.com/JcrQf7pBrH

— Shelabh Tyagi (@ShelabhTyagi) June 18, 2024

This tweet is absolute garbage. It has ZERO soul. AI has more soul than this. Idk why this subset of corpos do this because it appeals to basically no one other than greedy fools. When you create something, put honesty into it. Another tweet with a boilerplate is not what we need.

Getting carried away, It's an ideal scheme; reach out to as many people as possible. Say what I feel like saying and treat it as a conversation. The good part about this idea is that this is tiring and doesn't make me want to be on there as long. Perfect.

As for other bloat, I think I can apply this to pinterest and youtube as well. In order to enjoy some time on youtube, I gotta comment on every video I watch. On pinterest, for every 30 minutes spent, I should post a picture. 192 monthly views btw, let's goooo - this drives growth and also keeps me away from scroll gooning. It's a pathetic state to be in, really.

I've decided to cut MapleStory as well from my life. Ah, MapleStory, thou art a fair maiden but you suck the life out of me. I can compare you to a winter's night. A cruel mistress that gambles my meso away in the cold, dark night. Whatever dude, I CBA to give it more thought. Just wanna post.

So that's 4 or so things that have been dampened/cut from my life. Perfect.

What is the point of web dev bloat for personal sites?

6/18/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

What's up?

This is now my flag in the digital sand. An exciting new land that I have choesen to embark part-time. Mainly because I want to attract like-minded people through the target of productivity. Generally, in an effort to see if it helps my productive output? Maybe my outlook? It seems like peer competition is healthy and ideal for success. I want to test that theory.

As with anything, a defined finish line with constraints makes life a bit more fun. When you have the freedom to define your course of action as a man of course. (haha) In the spirit of this insatiable desire, we are going to direct our attention to our constraints:

  1. Work out 3 days on, 1 day off.
  2. Eat at least 100g of protien and 200g of carbs.
  3. Half a gallon of water (~2L)
  4. Sleep before 12 AM
  5. Blog entry and summary tweet at least once a week.
  6. Learn three new programming concepts a day if there is anything to be learned. API/Library functions or concepts.
  7. Skincare routine
  8. Logging working hours on projects and posting stats/notes, if applicable, on twitter - template being:

Wonderful, we made a list.

Now isn't that nice? Like ducklings walking behind a mother duck. Let's hope one doesn't walk out of line and get lost. All of these things compound on each other and produce results over years. These are just daily tasks being lined out. The main goal is to, God willing, eventually be able to provide for a family and travel the world as an indie developer or, if at scale, a larger company. This website is here to keep me accountable and also to garner a community of like minded people that will catalyse the process even quicker.

The social circle that ideally comes from that is the theory that needs testing.

Now that our ducks are accounted for; heylo! My name is Zoruzke, a psudonym I made up today. I've been a lot of things, and have a few skills under my belt that I'm grateful to have. Video editing, graphic design, programming, music, etc. It's my ideal life, I've always wanted to be a renaissance man. I'm grateful for the inspirations given to me really young to desire such a thing. I'm also grateful for the provisions given to pursue my inclinations. It's a miricle from my perspective. Life is filled with them.

I plan to document my journey into starting and, as the Lord permits, finishing projects. I hope you join me and find pleasure in reading the story of my ambitions unfurl!