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How Diversion is an Invitation to Hell. Feeling Eclectic.

11/27/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

The past two or so articles haven't been very inspired. I'd like to answer a brother's point of diversion and its nasty consequesces. Life is more of a battle between men and the people that come out on top are given mastery over the ones that don't make it. Fortunately or not, this is the truth.

Imagine the internet as a place where you have sellers and buyers. A marketplace for those that buy and sell time. Your precious time.

Now, remember, you are not immune to propaganda or advertisers. No matter how smart you think you are, no matter how much you find yourself saying that you're a paragon of willpower; no one is 100% all of the time. You cannot say that you have self-control and be a failure in your abitious goals. There's something that you're not accounting for. You are a liar. Aware or not.

I'm only hard on this point because I'm hounding myself for being so arrogant. I got scammed for my time. I feel a bit used. Though, I did take some knowledge with me. It's more like drugs or gambling. Diversion is close, but not as bad. Though, when you've taken what you need, it becomes more like a drug.

I could go on, but I want to get to the meat of it. I know how to prevent it.

As a part of me being a part of the anti-porn community, I've learned a thing or two about human nature. You are what you are suggested. Whether you like it or not. In order to divide yourself between the evil ones and you, you must create your own world. Something beyond the "connected."

People call them normies, zombies, sheep, NPCs, etc. I will call them the connected. They are connected to the "evil source." Their minds aren't their own.

I was one. I know.

So day by day, I noticed my patterns and checked my web history, littered with youtube. You should've seen it. It was bad. 4chan, random searches. Terrible.

I encourage you to check yours. Take account to how you spend your time. Again, I feel like telling you would be in vain but I want to at least warn you.

Delete your youtube search history, pause it, delete it. Delete your apps. The accounts; everything. Like your life depends on it. It does.


Listening to hardstlye so I'm hyped. God gives and takes. Pray and be patient. I could tell you everything but God is the one that gives and takes.

Contrary to Popular Belief, Your Midlife Is When You're around 30.

11/24/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

11/24/24, cool. This life is short. What you want isn't always, or maybe even ever, what is best for you. You enjoy this life and then die. What is after death? Does this matter to you? Do you even care?

The past is like a dream. This is the truth.

The better your surroundings get, the more accostomed you become.

So why? Why do you want more?

There's no point to gaining fame, fortune, women, respect, and more. None of this goes with you when you're resurrected.

The only thing I truly regret are my evil deeds that I've sent ahead. I deeply regret the wrongs that I've done. I seek refuge in God.

It is Easy for Him.

11/23/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

If God wanted it to be done, he would. As God is perfect and wise, why does he do as he does? Why are you fighting it? Do you not trust God? Do you not have faith? I do fully trust him but I fear the present. God gives to whom he wills and straitens whom he wills. An objectively great artist could fail in this life and be timeless after his death. An objectively bad artist could become huge for years.

Did you see the fatal flaw in this line of thought? It implies that God did not give those abilities or fame to the artist. An objectively "bad" artist was made that way. So was the objectively "good" artist. If God were to come to you and say "did I not give you X?" You reply with "I earned it with my hard work."

That is worship of self.

As though you were not in complete submission to him with or without our permission.

So, do you not think that danger is the same? Do you not think that God causes the danger? Do you not think that God brings pain? Do you not think that pleasure and good fortune is from God?

Worry. Sadness. Pain.

Joy. Freedom. Increase.

All come from him. The pain comes from associating partners with him.

Fear God and fear only him. There was a manual created for us. Multiple actually.

Give them a read sometime. It's the only true information.

You Love Them, and They Love You Not.

11/17/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Here you are, you love them, and they love you not. The truth is that I have been blessed beyond measure and have not been properly grateful for such a bounty.

Yes, there may have been points where I loved something that was bad for me. The truth was shown after what I thought was a blessing fell from my face.

I'm grateful, and not in the "kind", "oh, I'm so arbitrarily docile and civilized" manner.

All these plays and shows they put on are nothing but a passing interaction. Shallow. They have no real purpose. Their goals are obvious. Once you swallow their words, the truth becomes obscufated. Though, who allows such a thing to happen?

Why would it happen?

You deserve it. Your heart has swallowed something that cannot be revoked save violently.

So, there it is. I cannot love you. You have what you have earned and I have mine. Any pure person that loves without understanding will eventually realize:

You love them, and they love you not.

He Sees All.

11/15/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

I had a verbal contract with someone that I made a year or so ago. I felt that the verbal contract was breached because of issues at the beginning. I'd like to express either that or the fact that the people who work are blessed. I recently quit work because of some miraculous events that happened - as with most of my days, I live in a consistent state, thank God, of miracle.

The point is that another event happened. I do not believe in "hard work" anymore. It's not "luck" either. It's beyond the two.

Reflect upon your days. Do you do rightous works? When you commit evil, are you not given retribution? Well, this realization would require a lot to get to:

Faith, Guidance, and Active Reflection.

Today I had a change of heart; not of mind, not of sheer brute willpower - heart.

God is the one who gives and takes. Wise and the best of planners; All-Knowing. I seek refuge in him lest I be of the arrogant.

God changed me.

The Disposer of Affairs.

11/13/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Who would be with you on the day of resurrection? Your mother? Father? Your girl? No. When death comes, you're with the one that has been watching over you. Recording. So why do you look towards the other?

Think. Who owns it all? Who gives? Who takes? This isn't only a material thing.

The truth is everywhere.

So don't think that you were never warned. You choose to deny.

Why deny truth? Why is it so common to? I don't know personally, there's nothing for you to lose and so much to gain.

This life is temporary. The next is forever. Seek. You might just find.

Or not, I don't mind, I don't take donations haha.

The Best Move May Seem Intuitively Evil.

11/9/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Why would God allow evil? I'm not going to answer it.

It's not my problem to solve.

Therin lies the fact that I do not have responsibility over anything that isn't contractually obligated to me. Do I have the answer? Well, you decide. There is an unspoken expectiation of implicit contracts from hypocrites. They believe in rules for thee. Either with words or writing - a witness; does a contract exist. Then; are you obligated.

Another proof within the mechanics of society for those who reflect.

"By what force?" The answer is God.

The selfish pursuit of one's own salvation is the truth. There was never an altruistic factor in society as a conglomerate of individuals.

So by that perspective, do you see "empathy" be used as a tool to push forward one's own agenda. "You killed him!" Nay, God killed him. What God does to the man that (was) killed - is the truth.

Do you fear God or death? Hide behind words and concepts, run away from reflection, and build castles with 50 meters of steel walls surrounding it -

You cannot escape God.

Admitting When I've Been Bested.

11/2/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

I spoke to a few people on the topic of the afterlife. Thanks to God, I'm surrounded, digitally (I don't really make a distinction anymore), by men that are putting it first. In this case, I'm bested. In worldly matters and topics, I'm really good at conversing with man because of the wide range of knowledge that has been given to me by God.

Though, when speaking with the end in mind - I've been bested. These men are consistently aware of the hereafter and are acting accordingly as far as I can see. Personality or otherwise, they are in line.

To paraphrase them: "This life is like picking up gold bars from things that are very small. You'll regret not doing more."

Aspirations of Being Clement to Man.

10/29/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

There is no profit in arguments or goading onto the path of truth. Man is how God wills. The beauty of the orchestra that glorifies God. Wonderful harmonies that come together to create endless patters for those who reflect. The lovely world in which I am experiencing through the frame of my Lord. You live in it too, but you may not see; for you may be blind to it. It is not something that you can cognitively incline to through sheer labor. The closer you are, the more you can understand. So come close and stay close.

Ironically, being clement is beyond the scope of passivity and pleasure-seeking morality. Hedonism is evil. Pain is beyond the scope of inaction. Even pain itself.

Mercy is not inert. It moves. With good will.

God knows, don't disobey lest you fall from grace. Fear him. Man is weak. It cannot stick to the truth that does not fear without it. Humble yourself.

Many have strayed. Keep your heart open. Read scripture.


10/28/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

The creation. It's not focal point you should face. It is just a peripheral ornament. Face where you should, everything else is just a side mission.

It's only hard save for the humble.

The Folloy of Worry.

10/26/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Life is arranged. There is nothing random. So what is there to worry about? Will worrying bring you the fruit you need? Will it avoid disaster? Now, not to be confounded with "overthinking" - which implies a lack of reflection. Evil is the path that they follow. Foolishness is what they have earned. An element of truth is required to grow their lies.

Living with discomfort is required.

One finds that this is how it was always meant to be.

Goodbye worry. Within the limits set.

The Anatomy of a King.

10/26/24 - zoruzke

Song (book) of the day:

I've exhausted tons of information by the will of God - I feel like my journey of surfing the internet is done. I'm very grateful that the best ally is mine. I've been reflecting on the idea of a leader, specifically, why they are chosen. What causes them to be chosen. Downtime happens and I'm currently learning Russian within that time. Sometimes the urge to play a videogame comes about and I choose to listen to audiobooks during that time. Look back to the first sentence.

This is only for entertainment or confirmation of suspicion. When they say that history repeats itself, I don't think they are lying.

There's a giant scheme to everything. Nothing is truly unique or created.

Ironically, the only "secret" is in truth.

Deceived are only the perfidious.

They All Cling to One Part of Truth.

10/25/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Have you ever critiqued your magnum opus? Your central truth? The one point you felt that was true no matter what? Let's label some of these:

  1. What I believe, it will be
  2. If I believe in "x," I will be saved
  3. If I do "good" things, I'm a "good" person and I'll be fine
  4. There is a caste/hierarchy
  5. If I put my energy into something, it will be
  6. If my ancestors or the people before me did something, it will be passed to me
  7. Society is wrong
Fragments of the truth everywhere. Though, these are just doctored versions of the truth. They all have it - truth. Otherwise, it wouldn't grow.

How they wander...

A lie dwindles.

Food and Worries (Materialism)

10/21/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Material reality causes worries. The paths you choose are extremely important to the fruits you create. It's just to judge by fruits. It is what is earned. They can come in different ways. It's up to you to take that reality how you'd like. This beautiful web of life with roots and trees. Be careful about the seeds that you plant.

It might just...

This is a breakdown of what I approximately eat in a day:

  1. Honey (main source of calories)
  2. Frozen Fruit
  3. Leafy Greens
  4. Milk
  5. Chicken Breast
  6. Beans

It takes up about right under 2000 calories but I'm a bit worried about the fact that I need to bulk up. Fortunately, I know that people that have similar diets, like that one almost-billionaire guy that focuses on anti-aging, still have good bodies. I've started another job that allows me to physically exert myself in an HIIT-like way. Carrying heavy things, running, things like that.

As long as my protien/carb intake is good, I'll be able to profit handsomely.

I wonder...

On the Eve of my 27th Birthday; I Saw Hell

10/19/24 - zoruzke

Note: Out of respect for the experience, I will not be adding a picture or music.

I was in the shower thinking about the regrets of the past. Suddenly, I was damned with a realization - I spent the majority of my time on earth chasing after two things:

  1. Love (women)
  2. Money (linked to love)

At the same time, I was struck with my own mortality. I am going to die. There's no way around it. I'm going to die. The afterlife is real. I love God. Why are these two things so closely connected to my love for God? What makes me obsess over them? Why is this the case? Is this not evil? What if I were to die and God were to point that out?

The pain of regret then ensued.

I worshipped this world this whole time.

Any thoughts or reminders must stay away from me. A complete repulsion of this idol. Complete faith and dedication to God must be established. Society revolves around these idols and it must stay away from me and my world.

I will not follow the footsteps of satan. The desire must die. The links to the outside world must end.

The idol must be destroyed. God willing.

Separating the Wheat From the Chaff

10/16/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Lovely, isn't it? The passage of time and the plants that grow over the course of time. Confused at the start, it only becomes clearer. You're not in control. There's an art piece that is being created. All by "chance" they say. These are proofs for those who care to know. Wonderful.

Regardless of that, I think I've mastered masculinity. The ideals being of the archetypes of power. The joke is that every emporor wears no clothes. Safety, provision. These things do not come from within. Innately, we're useless. Though, when changed, not through expressions of "free will;" but that of heart. It is NOT "we" that change ourselves.

The greatest blessing is that of a man that is only afraid of God. Thank God.

I relish in revulsion from man. A validation. May they be repulsed.

Addendum: Reflecting on the past, the combination of two souls can only happen through faith. Material relationships will always fail. As with the material world, they are fleeting. So, take from that logic what you will. What world are you living in? Define slave. It's all semantic.

You, men of the material world, only have the illusion of freedom.

Ironically, you're the complete opposite. Material "GAME" only works on they who do not understand. Since, they only care for this world. Sad.

See the second to last line in the former passage.

God is a diligent teacher.

7/12/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

If you're religious, you might've noticed that God gives you lessons consistently. You need to take heed and be a diligent student of his lessons. The truth of the world may be harsh but you need to accept reality and not stay in fantasy.

There are some issues that I've had in the past and a lot of pain inflicted on me. For my own good. I'm grateful for the lessons.

I have been going back to the gym but my pec got hurt. So I'm taking a break for now. Started another project that takes around ~4 hours of my day - daily videos. I'm on the 6th one now. The site still has issues with sorting people - but I am so close. Working on multiple projects allows me to become more productive, especially if it is "innate."

Consistent Diligence - by the Grace of God - A Guided Reflection

7/12/24 - zoruzke

Song of the day:

Diligence. What separates cream from crop. Something I've sought after for a long time. The ideal of it is great, watching motivational short videos or videos - they're all a distraction. No matter what you do, if you have faith, it all draws from there. Keep your head down and notice who you submit yourself to.

Your wife? Your boss? Friend? Parent? What are you submitting to? Videos? A product? Drugs? Pleasure? All these things are focuses of submission.

In turn, the people and the products that you may submit to - who do they submit to?

Slavery. Who are you a slave to? Something you put yourself under the influence of - submission. Ownership.

Are you proud of what you submit yourself to? Is it making you happy? Is it ok if it makes you happy? Are you worshipping happieness?

Something that's so illusive and temporary?

Oh wait - there's drugs. Other people. Must. Seek.


One day of happieness. Crash. An inkling of reflection befalls you - you ignore it. Too painful.

Second. Third. Fourth....Deathbed. It hits you.

None of it mattered.